Page 4 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 4


                   An entire posted in Antigua on 26th February  1804 when it was struck on the obverse with a
           dated  straight  line  mark -   Type  14.  No  ship  was  nominated  but  the  rate  of l/10d  is  the  single
            packet  rate  to  London  (1/-  packet  and  lOd  for  the  270  miles  to  London,  effective  January
            1797). The cover was back stamped in London on 29th April, a long transit of 62 days.

                   An entire from the Thomas Watters correspondence written in Tortola on 8th August  1821,
            but  not  posted  until  the  15th  when  it  was  struck  with  a  Type  8  hand  stamp  In  Falmouth  it  was
            charged  2/4d -   l/3d  packet and  1/ld  inland to  Kendal.  The single  packet  rate changed  from
            1/ld  to  l/3d  in  July  1812  According  to  the  file  note  the  cover  arrived  in  Kendal  on  23rd
            September; a fast passage of 39 days.
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