Page 164 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 164

Imperial Direct



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                  An  envelope  addressed  to  Newport,  Monmouthshire  which  was  franked  with  a  Jamaican
           “Arms”  issue  and  posted  on  board.  PORT  KINGSTON  left  Jamaica  on  2nd  December  1909  and
           arrived at Avonmouth on the  15th. Although the majority of the mail she carried was in sealed bags
           letters  such  as  this  were  regarded  as  “loose  letters”  and treated as  Ship  Letters.  Consequently the
           adhesive  was  cancelled  with  a  town  mark  and  the  cover  struck  with  an  Avonmouth  Ship  Letter
           (Tabeart  SI,  known  1907-  43).  The  distinction  was  artificial  as  the  rate  for  a  Ship  Letter  and  a
           Packet  letter was the  same.  It  is  not known why Avonmouth  used a  Ship Letter mark for  so  long
           instead of a Paquebot mark. The cover was back stamped in Newport on the same day.
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