Page 165 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 165

Imperial Direct

                 PORT HENDERSON

                 She was built as ARAWA in 1884 as a two funnel, clipper bowed vessel of 5,200 gross tons,
          with  passenger capacity  of 150.  She  was  bought  from  Shaw,  Saville  &  Albion in  1899,  renamed
          LAKE MEGANTIC and put on Elder Dempster’s Canadian service.  She was transferred in  1905 to
          meet  the  passenger  carrying  obligations  of  the  Imperial  Direct  contract  and  renamed  PORT
          E1ENDERSON,  although  as  a  much  older  vessel  with  few  passenger  facilities  she  was  a  very
          unsuitable consort for PORT KINGSTON. She was sold to Italy in 1912 and renamed ANAPO.

                                  ,v INDIA  Mai;

                                                               Constant  Spring  Hotel. Jamaica

                  A  mint  postcard  of the  Constant  Spring  Hotel  in  Jamaica with  an  inset  picture  of PORT
          HENDERSON, together with a used postcard of the vessel addressed to Southsea, posted in a street
          letter box in Kingston on 29th September 1910 from somebody who has just landed. Interestingly he
          sent a letter the same day via America, probably carried by a U.F.C. ship.
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