Page 154 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 154


                                                 DLART CASTLE

                                           Mford ft-Black^Steamship Lines,
                                          SL John  N.  B.,  Halifax N.  S.,  Ber­
                                              muda,  the  West Indiea and

                                                    S.  S.  DUART CASTLE,
                                                         Captain  Harrison,
                                          W ill  be  uc  n t  B e r m u d a   from   tlie
                                                     W est  In d ie s
                                             Thursday  13th  inst.,
                                          and  will  have  immediate  despatch  for  St.
                                                       John, N. B.
                                                    R E T U R N I N G
                                            Will leave St.  John  for  Halifax,
                                                       Aug.  20,
                                           W ill  le a v e   H a lifa x   for  B erm u d a
                                                       Au«r.  3T.
                                          To ho followed by the S.  S.  “ Taymouth  Cas­
                                          tle ’’about  2-lth September.
                                            This servico will  d o  regularly maintained by
                                          tho  Steamships  “ Taymouth  Custlo”  and
                                          “ Duart Castlo ” and will bo duo  at  Bermuda
                                          from St. John, N.  B., and Halifax about every
                                          tbroo  wenlcs,  thus  affording  excellent  facili­
                                          ties to importers of Onion  Box  Material  and
                                          Seod potatoes,
                                            Freight and passage rates furnish' d on  ap­
                                          plication.                          ei
                                   terms to  large  importers  of  Onion
                                          Box Material and Potatoes.
                                                           W.  T.  JAMES,
                                                              Agent at  Bermuda.
                                          Hamilton,  10th Aug., 1891.—1 in.

          Photocopy of a newspaper advertisement in Bermuda on  10lh August  1891  for Duart Castle, stating
                              that there will be a service to Halifax every three weeks.

                A 2  cent newspaper wrapper from  British Guiana addressed to  Port of Spain,  nominated to
         go on “Duart Castle”. It was cancelled on 30th November 1897.
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