Page 157 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 157



               Little is known about her.  She was  built in  1890 and acquired  by Pickford &  Black in  1898.  She
        grossed 2470 tons and had capacity for 40 x  1st class and 20 x 2  class passengers. She served until  1911.

                                               PICKFORD  &  BLACK
                                                  STEAMSHIP CO.
                                               Between St John, N. B.,
                                                     Halifax, N. S.,
                                               West India Islands and
                                            Steamers  “OCAMO,”  “ORURO,”  “SOBO ”  “DA-
                                            HOME” sail  every twelve days  for  Demerara,  calling
                                            at  Bermuda,  Barbados and Trinidad and  every twenty
                                            four days  for  St.  Kitts,  Antigua,  Montserrat,  Domin­
                                            ica, St.  Lucia and  St. Vincent.
                                              The above  trip occupies about  thirty-eight  days and
                                            makes  a  delightful  Winter excursion.

                                             Halifax &  West India Steamship Co.
                                                 Steamships  “BOSTON  &  “AMANDA”
                                             Leave  Halifax,  N.  S.,  every  two  weeks  for  Santiago,
                                             Cuba, and  Kingston, Jamaica.
                                              “BOSTON”  also calls at Turks Island.
                                              All  information  on  application  to  Agents  through­
                                             out  the  Islands  or
                                                           PICKFORD  &  BLACK
                                                        Managing Owners.  Halifax.  N.  S..
                                             or Thos. Cook & Sons,  245 Broadway,  New York.

               Photocopy  of  an  advertisement  for  alternative  38  day  excursions  to  Demerara,  the  first  via
        Bermuda, Barbados and Trinidad, the second via the Leeward and Windward Islands.

               An envelope addressed to Port of Spain in Trinidad  which was nominated to go on the  Dahome.
        The cover was franked with a Dominica  Id adhesive paying the Imperial letter rate which was cancelled
        there on 4th December 1898. The cover was back stamped in Port of Spain three days later on the 7th.
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