Page 152 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 152


                                                TAYMOUTH CASTLE

                   She  was  built  by  Barclay  Curie  in  Glasgow  in  1877  for  the  Castle  Line  sailing  to  South
            Africa.  She  grossed  1827  tons  and  had  capacity  for  50  x  1st  class  passengers.  She  was  really too
            small for the service and in  1879 she was relegated to “extra” steamer.  She and her sister ship were
            sold  to  Furness  Withy  in  1891  who  modernised  them  and  sold  them  on to  Pickford  &  Black.  In
            1902 she was renamed Ocamo. She was sold in  1914 to the Newport Steamship Co and eventually
            to French operators before being broken up in  1922.
                                                                                     q^    109 t  AHvr foi   tA'ifcWJUth
                                                                                   For  West  Miss  and
                                                                                       TO   R E T U R N   D IR E C T .
                                                                                                     The  S.  S.
                                                                                                  “ Tajmouth  Castle,”
                                                                                                     Capt.  Cuarke,
                                                                                    Will  be  despatched  as  above
                                                                                 Wednesday,  29th  Inst.,
                                                                                           AND  13  OFFERED  FOR
                                                                                 F reig h t  and  P assage
                                                                                           OUT  AND  BACK
                                                                                       Will call at  the Following  Ports.
                                                                                    Sr.  Thomas      Martinique
                                                                                    St.  Kitts       St.  Lucia
                                                                                     Antigua         BARBADOS
                                                                                    Guadaloupe       Trinidad
                                                                                     Dominica        DEMERARA
                                                                                   Returning by same route will be due at  Ber­
                                                                                 muda about May 25  to 2T. dftering an  excellent
                                                                                 opportunity  to importers  of  Sugar,  It ,  from
                                                                                 the West  Indies and  Demerara.
                                                                                   The  Passenger  Accommodation  of  this  ship
                                                                                 is firsc class
                                                                                   Mails  will  close  at  Hamilton  Post Office,  at 9
                            CLXf— TAYMOUTH  c a s t l e                            am  29th instant and  ship  will  leave  Grassy
              1S77.  Iter  connate  of  hS27  was  then  considered  quite  sumciem  tor  the  Cape  service   Bay at  10 a.m. 29th instant.
                   and  under  various  ownerships  was  worked  hard  until  1921  Freight  received  until 5 p m. 28th  instant.
                                                                                                   W. T.  JAMES,
                                                                                  Hamilton. April 27th  1891.

                    A registered front posted in Georgetown British Guiana addressed to Port of Spain Trinidad.
            It was franked with a miscellany of revenue adhesives amounting to  9 cents which were cancelled
            on 21st January  1893.  It was nominated to go on Taymouth  Castle and arrived in Trinidad 2  days
             later. Ex Rego.
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