Page 30 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 30


                                                SHIP LETTERS

                   A  letter  from  Jamaica,  handled  by  the  Kingston  Commercial  Rooms  struck  with  CR3.
            Addressed to  Ayr it was  sent  by  H.M.S.  Tartar on  24th June  1819  and was  landed  at  Portsmouth
            where it was struck with Tabeart S  13 and charged l/KP/id -  8d Ship Letter and l/2d for 400-500
            miles, plus Vi d Scottish wheel tax. In Ayr, it was redirected to Glasgow and charged 6d for 20-30
            miles (2/4Vid in all), arriving on 12th August, a transit of 49 days..

                   An  entire  from  Java,  Green  Pond,  Manchester,  Jamaica,  written  on  4th  May  1827
            containing a duplicate letter sent on the packet “Rinaloo”, the local Jamaica mail boat on 4th April.
            It  was  originally  intended  to  go  by  the  packet  from  Kingston  but  was  put  on  the  “Mary”  by  the
            Commercial  Rooms  forwarder and  struck  with  CR6.  On  arrival  in Dartmouth  it  was  struck  with
            Tabeart S2 and  charged 5/- (a double packet rate) which was then changed to  1/1 Id -  8d Ship
            Letter and l/3d inland for 500-600 miles. Subsequently it was charged an additional ‘Ad Scottish
            wheel tax on its way to Ayr, arriving on 6th July, a transit of 63 days. Ex Mahfood.
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