Page 32 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 32

                                               SHIP LETTERS

                A letter written in Port Royal, Jamaica on 20th May  1792 from Colonel H.H.  Gardner of the
         20th Light Dragoons to Lieutenant Lee, the great, great grandfather of Robson Lowe. At the time he
         was in  1611’ or Queen  s Dragoons based in London. There are no markings of any kind until it was put
         in the post at Westminster, struck with  a “W” in a circle and charged 2d for the local delivery.
         It must have been put in the military bag and as a private letter carried illegally, or given to a friend
         and carried  privately,  which was not  illegal,  but not declaring it at the first port of call  and paying
         either ship or packet charges plus the inland to London was completely illegal.

                 An entire from London sent unpaid to Jamaica by the Falmouth packet  “Duke of York” via
         Halifax and Bermuda.  It was struck with an  “A” in a circle which is believed to have been  used
         in the West India Room on 2nd November 1831 to redirect letters to the North American packet,
         and is very scarce. It was rated 2/2d which in Jamaica was changed to 3/9 currency. This is not
         understood as the inland rate to Vere at the time was only 4d sterling. Ex Malcolm Montgomery.
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