Page 34 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 34


                                        SWIMMER & MERCHANT SHIP

                 This  is part  of a  small  extant  correspondence  of four  letters  from  St Vincent,  the  earliest
          known correspondence from  St Vincent, to St Augustine,  Florida in  1772.  They were written by
          Robert  Barrie,  a  civilian  doctor  attached  to  the  army  to  put  down  the  Carib  revolt  over  “land
          grabbing”. They were addressed to his pregnant wife,  Dolly, in Florida, where in times of peace he
          had  a practice.  Two  of the  four  have  no  markings,(this  is  one)  the  first  went  to  Boston  and  then
          worked its way south through very primitive Colonial  roads to New York, Philadelphia,  Suffolk in
          Virginia, Charlestown and finally St Augustine, and the fourth has markings from Pensacola, capital
          of West Florida.
                 The  second  letter  written  on  13th  October  and  the  third  letter  (this  one)  written  on  9th
          December at Grand Sable bear no markings. According to the contents “3  fifuM  enclave this  in a
          letter to Qoxdan........... an account o f the danger o f losing them in the su xf 3 ’m  obliged to
          put mg letter  in a dottle and have a negnoe to swim  o f to the schooner that cornier  them
          to  JCingstown”.  From  there  it  would  have  gone  to  Jamaica  from  where  feeder  packet  services
          went to Vera Cruz,  Tampico  and Pensacola.  Clearly the fourth cover went by this route,  and it is
          probable  that  this  letter  did  so  as  well,  with  postal  markings  on  the  outer  cover.  It  arrived  in  St
          Augustine on  17th February  1773, the same day as the first letter and the day Dolly had her baby. Ex
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