Page 81 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 81


                                                                      *~\  yr V*  f  rrs
                                       UNION   POSTALE   UNI VERSELLE  V     &  ° S    ARBA~Do¥i
                                     B A R B A D O S   ( B A R B A D E j

                                     P O S T                C A R D .    ,<?  f.  A
                                                                                      PENNY HALFPENNY
                                T H E  A D D R E S S  O N L Y  T O  B E  W R I T T E N  O N  T H I S  S I D E .

                                                                       %    f/-

                 Two postal  stationery cards  from Barbados, the  first of which was impressed with a  1  ‘Ad
         value  which had been the rate  since  1879.  It was  addressed to Paramaibo  in  Dutch  Guiana  and
         cancelled by a boot heel duplex on  14th July  1875.  It was  back  stamped in Paramaibo  almost two
         weeks later on the 23rd.
                 The second was overprinted “ONE PENNY” as a result of the rate changes in  1891.  It was
         addressed to St Thomas and struck with the same type of cancellation on 11th April  1892.  It arrived
          in St Thomas on the  14th.
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