Page 79 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 79


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                                   Messrs.  R.  J.  HART  &  Co.,

                                                       H a l if a x ,

                        Per sJ ^ 4 m a a^ & ~                    NOVA  SCOTIA.

                Two covers paying a printed matter rate with a 'Ad green adhesive from the key plate set. The first
         originated in Surinam buf was posted in Barbados and was addressed to Modena in Italy. It was cancelled
         on 18th April  1893 and was back stamped on arrival on 2nd May, a transit of 15 days. The Second is a front
         addressed to  Halifax, Nova Scotia which was  nominated to  go  on  “Bermuda”  belonging to  the Quebec
         Steamship Co. on 6th January  1893. Both ex Charles Freeland.
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