Page 82 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 82


                                                   B A R B A D O S


                  A  Id P.S.E. upgraded with Vi d and  Id adhesives in Barbados on 20th December 1890 paying
           the U.P.U Vi oz. This was 2 days before the misunderstanding which led to the rate to the U.K. being
           reduced to 2  Vi d and rates  elsewhere remaining  at 4d.  Addressed to  Karlsruhe  in Germany  it was
           nominated to go on “Atrato”. The cover was struck with a cachet “PER ROYAL MAIL STEAMER”
           which according to Rego is unique to her. It was back stamped in Germany on 3rd January  1891

                                       f t
                                           No. 1  ( ) 0 1

                  A Penny Pink P.S.E which has been surcharged Vid, upgraded with a Vi d on 4d and a 4d from
           the  key  plate  set  to  pay  the  registration  fee  and  the  Vi  oz.  U.P.U.  rate  to  London.  The  normal
           registration rate for specially printed envelopes was 2d. The use of other envelopes was discouraged
           but could be used for an extra Vi d, as in this case. The cover was put in on 5th March 1894 and arrived
           in London on the 21st, a transit of 16 days.
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