Page 98 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 98


                                                                       A>"7*:n 9/ / X  NOTICE.
                                                                          \      GENERAL-  FUST  OFFICE,
                                                                          !             18>U  November,  1862.
                                                                       W   ITH  reference  to  an  agreement  executed
                                                                            between  His  ILxcel'ency  the  Governor  of
                                                                           the Windward Islands,nod his  Excellency  the  Go­
                                                                       vernor  of  Trinidad, in  cunfoimily  with Ordinance
                                                                       No.  23,  of  I860,  the  iimters-gncd  instructs  the
                                                                       Fublic  that  all  Letters  P O S I E l l a t u n y   P O S T
                                                                       OFFICE  within  this  Colony,  AFTER  the  depar­
                      NOTICE.                                          ture  of  the  Packet of  the  2ltb  insiont,  for trans­
                                                                       mission  to  BARBADOS  from  and  after  the  first
           GENERAL  POST  OFFICE,  8th  J u  1813                      day  of  December  next,  will  he  subject  to  the
            Y  virtue  of  on  Agreement  executed  between            following  compulsory  pre-paymeut  ol  Postage  by
          B His  Excellency  tlm  LI E U T .*00V EK N O fl             Fostnga  Stamps  affixed:  viz:—
         OF  TOHAGO and  I lls   E X C E L L E N C Y   tlie                                  bJD Q  tUJ
                                                                                O  “
                                                                                      S?-o  bn
          GOVERNOR  OF TIM NI DAI),  the  under signed                         b  a ,5  ,5  Q  c  . .5  C .S  .  tkDo  60
                                                                                                    o  a  a
                                                                                             D jj -d
          instructs  the  Public  Hint  »ll  LETTERS  po*'ed             ALetternot   exceeding   ■CAI^  N  S •J 00  ©  O © °°  ©  o
                                                                               »|“0  «  o
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          at  any  POST  OFFICE  within  thin Colony,  after  *              4  oz.  o  ^  v -   S  - S : .  a   «•  s o
          the  departure  of  the  Pat ket  of  the  22//d  of  {              M  g   .*»  g s  ^  o  a  a   g a ^
                                                                                       _   ay
          February,  1863,  for  tiausiiiisxion  to  TOIIAGO.  J                                    ^ c o   "
          fioin  and  a/t»»r  the  1st  day  of  March,  1803,  will  <
          he  subject  to  the  follow lug  compulsory  pre­             Gd.     It,    2s.    3a.     4«,
         payment of  Posfaytt,  by  Post aye  Stamps affixed ;  {
                                                                       And  10  on,  la.  for  every  fractional  part  of an  ox.-
                                                                                     W 1LLIAM  EVERSLEY,
                                                                                          Poat  Master  General.
                                                                                Generol  Post Office,
                                                                        Co  Z i m /    27t h   August,  18G3.
                                                                        J3Y   virtue  of  an  agreement  executed
                                                                            between  Ilis  Kxcellency  tire  GOV­
                       W ILLIAM   EVERSLEY,                             ERNOR  OF  TRINIDAD  and         lire
                            Post  Master  General.
                                                                        PRESIDENT      o f    t u b   VIRGIN  IS­
                                                                        LANDS,  the  Undersigned  instructs  the
                                                                        Public  that  ALL  LETTERS  Polled  ul
            GENERAL  POST  OFFICE, 8lb  Jan.,  1863
                                                                        any  Pott  Office  within  this  Colony, after
          B  Y  virtue of an  Agreement  executed  between              the  departure of lire  Pncket  of  the  24th  of
              HIS  EXCELLENCY  the  LIEU TEN A N T-
          GOVERNOR  OF  BRITISH  MON LUKAS  and                         September,  18(>3,  for  transmission  to  the
          HIS  EXCELLENCY  the  GO V ERN O R  OF                        VIRGIN  ISLANDS,  from  and  after  lire
          TRI N I DAO,  the undersigned  instructs the  Public          1st  October  will  be subject  to  the  follow,
          that  all  Letters  polled  at  any  Post  Office  with in    ing compulsory  Prepayment of  Postage,  by
          this  Colony,  after  the  departure  of  the  Packet  ol     Postage  Stamps  affixed,  viz,—
          the 24th  of  February,  1863,  for  transmission  to
          HONDURAS,  from  and  after  the  lbt  dav  of                  A  Letter under  £  an oz.  ...  £  0  0  0
          March,  will  he  subject  to  the  following;  compul­          „    do  do  T   oz.  ...   0 1 0
          sory  prepayment  o f  Postayes  by  Poslays  Stamp*             »   do   do  2  oz.  ...   0  2  6
          affixed ;  viz :—                                                »   do   do  3  oz.  ...   0  3  0
           •     an    M>   on    be   o  eS
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           M         d.H   m  <=  N  5  s«-  C                          and  so  on,  Is for  every fractional  part
           ©  .      C    ° T3  c -w    - o  .                          of  ail  oz,
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           O  °   «> — « a.  g  «   *  Z. Z t*
           a    DA O ^  hr- ^  * b» u  .   r* w  a                                 WILLIAM  EVERSLEY,
                     _r y;  N  G  K  N
           v.  Ol)  2  *  o ~  a>  o   o   «                                           Postmaster  General.
           G>  c O  _ _,  5  ‘         D  "2.
           X l   -S  5  S  D  S  ° ”  V  °  ■c  y H art
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                J  B  x -o      Cd a   ^  ay
           *<    flj   a    os    to
                                                                                       NOTICE.        '
           6d.   Id.  *«.   3s.  4s.     —
                                                                       Co  jl q ct /  / 5   —
                                                                             1  7   3    G E N E R A L   POST  OFFICE,
                       WILLIAM  EVlUSLEY,                                                   7th  December,  1863,
                            Post  Manner  (ieooruL
                                                                          ■ J J Y   virtue of  nn  agreement  cxrcutrd  between
                                                                          M W   Ilia  Excellency  the  LIEU TEN AN I’-GO-
                                                                          YERNOK  ol  DOMINICA  and  Hit  Excellency
                                                                          the  G O V ER N O R   ol  T R IN ID A D ,  the  under­
                                                                          signed  instruct!  the  Fublic  that  ail  Letters pasted
                                                                          at any  Post  Office  within  this  Colony  atier  the
                                                                          departure  of  ti*o  Racket  of  the   th  December,
                                                                           1063,  for transmission  to  DOM IN ICA  from  and
                                                                          after  the  1st  January,  1861,  will  he  subject  to
                                                                          the  following  compulsory  prepayment  o f postages
                                                                          !»y  POSTAGE  STAM PS  A FFIX ED ,  viz  : —
                                                                          -F o r  a  Letter  n o t   exceeding  {  o z . —  . . . . ___ G d .
                                                                          - A b o v e   i   02.  a n d  H  1  02)VVV*MM> ____la.
                                                                            ,,   1  0 2.  , ,  »*  , ,    2   o z . »*-*»».. ...~ 2 s.
                                                                            tr   7  OX*  , ,  tt  ,,  3   O Z -.M .M ... . . . . _ S a .
                                                                            , ,    3  o z .   ,,  f 9  „   4 o z . . . . — . . ........4 a,
                                                                           xud  to on, Is  lor every fractional part ot an  ounce,
                                                                                        W JLLIAM   EVERSLEY,
                                                                                              Toitmaiter  General.
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103