Page 94 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 94


                  On  15   October  1908  Miss  Parsons  worked  in  the  Post  Office  during  McCausland’s
           lunchtime.  She franked the first cover “Paid %d. GAP asst” as a result of which postal historians
           have for over a century wrongly believed she had been demoted Ex Byl
                   McCausland objected to this, so the following day on the  16th she forged his initials on the
           second  cover.  He  probably objected to this  as  well because  it was  not repeated.  Both  covers are
           very scarce. Some authorities have suggested that the whole series was philatelic in origin. Me
           Causland came from  off island and had  only been in  post a few weeks. The exhibitor believes
           it is most unlikely.
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