Page 99 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 99


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                A Prices Current sent from Edward H. Mann & Co in Antigua to Demerara on 1st November 1867.
         It was franked with a  Id vermilion cancelled “A02” paying the printed paper rate, all  of which had to  be
         credited to the U.K. It was carried by the “Tyne” which sailed on the 2nd and arrived in Georgetown on the
         6th. Ex Freeland.

                 An  envelope  from  Antigua  addressed  to  Montego  Bay  in  Jamaica  which  was  franked  by  a 4d
          chestnut from the keyplate series, this being the V2 oz. rate since Antigua joined the U.P.U. on  1st January
          1881. The adhesive was cancelled on 28th December 1888, and the cover back stamped by squared circles
          in Kingston on the 29th and Montego Bay a day later. Ex Freeland.
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