Page 104 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 104


                  A  Victorian  Leeward  Islands  Id  P.S.C.  addressed  to  Port  of  Spain,  Trinidad.  It  was
           cancelled in St John’s, Antigua on 20  Apnl  1892 and arrived in Trinidad 4 days later on the 26th
           The commercial message records the safe arrival of a parcel of books and the illness of two aunts

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                  Unfortunately only a front posted in St John’s Antigua on 3rd September 1919 addressed to
           Georgetown, Demerara.  It was  franked with a  1  'Ad War Tax  stamp, paying the postage and the
           tax,  which  was  pen  cancelled  in  the  same  colour  crayon  as  the  date  and  the  nomination  that  it
           should be carried bv “S.S. China, or Chira”. It arrived in Georgetown nn    6th
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