Page 109 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 109


                 A  “Prices  Current”  sent  from  Barbados  to  Trinidad  on  18th  July  1863  carried  by  the
          “Thames”. It was franked with a blue penny adhesive from Barbados,  which was cancelled with a
          boot heel  mark  containing the numeral  “1”  paying the  inter island rate  for printed matter.  The  red
          manuscript “1”  is  an  accounting mark  indicating that the  entire  payment  should be  credited to  the
          British Post Office to recover the costs of the R.M.S.P. service.

                 An entire from Barbados  addressed to  Trinidad  written on 21st July  1856.  It refers to “(L
          fine  tot  of  M en  of  Wax  have  junt  teft  owe  hay  fox  Qeoxgetown.........the  tangent  o f  the
          uenoeln  wan  a magnificent nhip”.  The  letter was  charged the  inter island rate  of 4d and paid a
          local rate of Id with a Barbados  adhesive.  The  cover was back stamped in Trinidad but the  date is
          illegible, and there is no evidence as to whether the addressee in Trinidad was charged an inland rate.
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