Page 106 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 106



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                  An entire written in Barbados on 25th  September  1796 addressed to St George, Grenada.
           There  are  no  marks  of any  sort  so  it  must  have  been  carried  privately  and  smuggled  ashore  in
           contravention of the regulations.  It is from one clergyman to another who was quite happy to cheat
          the government out of its legitimate taxation.

                  3  am happy, to fin d ...M a t the colony- Li in a fair way, of recovering from  its Cate
          distressed  situation,  and  o f  enjoying,  again  the  comfort  and  tranquillity  of  ^British
          Qovemment.  I  originally  thought  that  this  referred  to  the  Treaty  of  Versailles  which  restored
          Grenada to  British rule  in  1783,  but  it probably  refers to  an  internal  revolt  in  1795  led by  Julian
                  Jn answer to your enquiry respecting  M ho  Carr,  3  can assure your, friend that
          she is  still  alive.............................She  is  old  and  of course  somewhat infirm ,  But hearty  and

          Cihely to due some years  yet. Us  to M r James  Cunliffe her son,  whom you mention,  3
          can assure you also from  m y own hnowledye that he is a  very honest industrious man,
          By no- means  in indigent circumstances.  3te has  a  Cargo fam ily which he supports  very
          respectaBly from  a  sm all property of Cand and negroes, and his  Business  as  a  coffin
          maher,  and your friend m ay rest him self satisfied that as  Cong as  the Bills  are paid
          and  the  certificates  sent  the  old  woman  is  alive.  M r  Cunliffe  is  a   man  of  too  fair  a
           character to attem pt any imposition on him .........3  have shown him your letter and Both
           himself and mother have Begged 3  w ould request of you if it is  in your power to give

           her some information of the two children she carried with her to England and left them
           there with M r Carr. She eldest was  a  daughter, Baptised Jane in M arch 5 9 —           and the
           second  a Boy,  Baptised  M arh  W illiam   in  Uugust  62.  She  has  not  heard  anything  of
           them for some time. Us you seem to know so much of his  history 3  suppose you are not
           ignorant,  that  this  M r  3 homos  Carr  married  the  old  Cady  who  was  then  the  widow
           Cunliffe,  in  JVovemBer  57,  then  after  doing  some  years  with  her  he  went  to  Umerica
           where his father was. Upon his fathers death his  elder Brother Became heir to his estate,
           But did not Cong survive his father, upon which this M r Carr went to Cngland, where  or
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