Page 111 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 111


                Two covers from Barbados. The first was franked with a Id deep blue, no watermark, rough
         perf 14-16 which paid the local inland rate for a V2 oz letter.  It was  cancelled by a barred oval  “ 1”
         with a Barbados despatch c.d.s.  of 25th November  1862.  The cover received a “ 1” and “4” in blue
         manuscript, the former indicating the amount to be prepaid and the latter the amount due on receipt,
         all  of the  latter being remitted to the U.K.  Post Office.  The  cover was carried by  “Solent”  which
         sailed on the 26th and arrived at St Lucia en route to St Thomas on the 27th.
                The second paid the local inland rate for a 1  oz letter with two deep blue  Id adhesives which
         were cancelled by a barred oval “1” on 21st February  1858.  The “8” in pen was the amount due on
         arrival in Trinidad and was remitted in its entirety to the U.K. to cover the ocean passage. The cover
         was carried by “ Derwent” which left on the 22nd and arrived in Trinidad on the 23rd via St Vincent
         and Grenada. Both ex Dr Bateson.
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