Page 112 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 112


                  Two covers  from Barbados to Antigua reflecting the difference in treatment of Inter Island
           mail.  The  first  was  a  Prices  Current  sent  from  Seon  &  Eve,  a  firm  of  commission  agents  in
           Barbados,  on  12th  December  1855.  It was  sent  unpaid,  apart  from  Id  inland  as represented  by the
           blue  adhesive.  The  black  manuscript  “4”  indicates  the  charge  that  would  have  been  collected  in
           Antigua and accounted for to the British Post Office. Ex Hill.
                  The second is typical of mail from Barbados in the sixties and seventies. The Inter Island fee
           was paid and accounted for to the U.K. by Barbados and 2d charged for inland. In both cases it was
           probable that no  inland  fee  was  charged  for delivery  in  Antigua and  it  is  not understood  whether
           Barbados kept 2d or in some way remitted Id to Antigua. Ex Yardley, Brassier and Hill.
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