Page 117 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 117


                  A letter from Georgetown in  Demerara on 23rd April  1861  addressed to Betty’s Hope  in
          Antigua.  It was carried by “Teviot” to Barbados and then by “Trent”, arriving in Antigua on the
           27th.  The  manuscript “4”  in black meant that the  ocean  crossing  was  unpaid  and Antigua  had  to
           account for it to the U.K.,  whilst the  red “1”  suggests that  Id was  paid  in  cash  in Georgetown to
           cover the inland costs. Ex Wynstra.

                  A cover from British Guiana addressed to Jamaica in  1864 after the colony had assumed
           control of its  own postal  affairs and changed  its  currency.  It was  franked with a  12  cent  adhesive
           which was cancelled by “A03” in a barred oval prepaying the ocean passage (8 cents) aind inland ex
           Georgetown (4  cents)  - the  exchange  rate  was 2  cents to the  Id.  The  manuscript “4”  in red  is  an
           accounting mark indicting that the colony owed the U.K. Post Office 4d for the ocean passage.  The
           cover was carried by “Trent” which left Guiana on 24th April, by the “Thames” from Barbados on
           the 26th and by “Solent” from St Thomas arriving in Jamaica on 6th May.
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