Page 145 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 145


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                   A cover franked with a 'Ad from the  1880 crown CC  issue and 2d from the  1883  crown CA
            issue paying the Vi Oz rate to Canada which had existed since  1886. The adhesives were cancelled by
           a Hamilton No 1  duplex on 12th April  1888. There are no back stamps but a manuscript endorsement
           notes delivery in Berlin, Ontario (modern Kitchener) on the 17th, a transit of 5 days. This was probably
           too fast for it to have gone via Halifax as Pickford & Black vessels usually took 4 days over the sea
           transit.  Consequently,  it  went  via  New  York,  probably  on  a  Quebec  SS  vessel  and  then  through
            Albany, Buffalo and Hamilton.

                   Another cover addressed  to  Canada  (British  Columbia),  cancelled  on  22nd  February  1888,
            which  followed  a  similar  route  through New  York.  It  paid  7d  (2d  registration  and  5d  for  a  1  oz.
            postage rate) with a mix of adhesives from the CC & CA sets. These obscure a printed straight line
            “O.H.M.S.  RETURNED  DEAD  LETTER”, a very scarce official Dead Letter envelope from the
            Post  Office.  Like  the  cover  above  it  was  bagged  through  to  Canada  (there  is  no New  York  back
            stamp); but went through Montreal on the 27th and arrived in New Westminster on 5th March.
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