Page 141 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 141



                  A  Convention between the  U.S.A.  and  Bermuda came  into  operation  on  1st  October  1876.
           The  A  oz rate was  set at  5  cents  from  the  U.S.A.,  the  equivalent  rate  from  Bermuda being  2  'Ad.
           However Bermuda had neither a 2  V2d nor a Ad adhesive in stock, so only 2d per A oz was charged
           to  America.  This  remained  the  case  until  the  delivery  of  the  Ad  brown  on  25th  March  1880.
           Presumably  this  was  acceptable  to  both  sides  as  there  was  no  inter  country  accounting.  Each
           country kept the entire proceeds of the postage paid irrespective of which steamer carried the mail.

                  AN envelope addressed to New York franked 2d cancelled by a numeral “2” in a barred oval
           in Hamilton on  15th December  1876.  It was nominated to go on “Canim a”  and was back  stamped
           in New York on the  19th, a transit of 4 days.

                  An  envelope  addressed  to  Cincinnati  franked  with  2  x  Id  pale  rose  adhesives  from  the
           Crown CC set cancelled with a barred numeral “1”, the cover being struck with H3 from St Georges
           on  22nd  August  1877.  This  is  a  scarce  franking.  The  cover  was  nominated  to  go  on  “Canim a”,
           went through New York on the 26th and arrived in Ohio a day later, a 5-day transit.
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