Page 143 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 143


                  A  'A  oz  letter  addressed  to  London  franked  with  2  x  2d  adhesives  paying  the  modified
           U.P.U.  rate  of  4d.  These  were  cancelled  in  Hamilton  in  January  1880  with  the  cover  being
           nominated to go via New York so it was probably carried by the Quebec Steamship Co. It arrived in
           London on 6th February.
                  The  second  cover  was  posted  in  1894  after the  2  'Ad U.P.U.  had  been  fully  implemented
           with the  cover being franked by  'Ad and  2d  adhesives.  Unfortunately there  are  no  readable  dates
           until  it  arrived  at  destination  in  Southampton  on  24th  May.  R.M.S.P.  was  still  not  providing  a
           service to Bermuda so it probably followed the same route as the cover above.
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