Page 148 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 148


                                                       A L P H A

                                                      &  <c

                                                                                                      A linen
                                                                                            backed, registered
                                                                                  envelope with an impressed
                                                                           2d stamp paying the fee. Addressed
                                                                   to New York it was franked with Id, 2d, 3d
                                                              and 4d adhesives paying a 2 oz. rate. These were
                                                           cancelled in Hamilton on 2nd February  1894 and the
                                                           cover put on “A lpha” which had been, bought from
                                                        Cunard. The cover was back stamped in Halifax, Nova
                                                        Scotia on the 6th, in St John, New Brunswick on the 7th
                                                      and in New York on the  10th, an 8-day transit and a long
                                                              diversion compared to the direct route of 2 days.
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