Page 24 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 24


                                                  SHIP LETTERS


                   An  entire  from  Berbice,  dated  25th  September  1837  endorsed  Consignees  letter”  It  was
            landed at Dover and  struck with Tabeart S  11.  Consignees  letters  that  travelled  with  the  cargo
            were not charged the Ship Letter rate but had to pay inland mileage. In this case it was rated
            as a double letter and charged l/4d (2 x 8d for72 miles).  Ex Nathan.

                                                                                           tL    '
                   An entire  in French from  Guadeloupe  addressed to Paris  written  on  16  October  1837.  It
            was landed at St Ives and struck with Tabeart SI.  It was then charged  1/8 (8d  ship letter and  1/-
            for the 277 miles to London).  It was sent to France under the 1836 Anglo French Convention
            and  the  charge  cancelled  and  replaced  by  28  decimes  -   8d  Ship  Letter,  lOd  to  the  French
            border and  lOd to Paris, where it arrived on 6th March  1838, a transit of almost 5 months.
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