Page 21 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 21

                                                  SHIP LETTERS

                  A part entire from  Port Au Prince, Haiti that originally contained letters written on 2nd,  11th
           and 24th July 1821  and was stated to weigh  1  oz., a quadruple rate.  In Cork, it was struck with Tabeart
           S2 in red, and then sent to Dublin where it was struck with a very faint Ship Letter (S3), then to Holyhead
           and finally to London. Irish Ship Letter rates were very different to those in the remainder of the
           U.K. -  6d instead of 8d for a single rate and a maximum of 1/-. The rate was originally calculated
           as lid , the single rate from Cork to Dublin, then 4/8d (4 x lid  plus 1/- ship letter) and finally 9/8d
           including the Dublin to Holyhead packet (4 x 3d) and British inland (4 x 1/-).

                  An entire written in Tobago on 23rd February  1821  and landed  in Bristol where it was struck
           with Tabeart S 7 in red. As a single letter, it was charged 1/10 ViA -  8d ship letter, l/2d inland for
           400-500 miles and lA d Scottish wheel tax. It took 52 days, door to door, of which  14 were taken up
           by the last  135 miles of circuitous track from Glasgow to Campbeltown and explains why the steamer
           route was much quicker.
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