Page 19 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 19


                                                  SHIP LETTERS

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                   An entire written in St Mary’s Jamaica  on 22nd November  1810  which was nominated to
            go on HMS Crane. The letter was landed in Plymouth and as the ship had not been nominated by
            the Post Office as a replacement packet was treated as a Ship Letter. It was struck with a Plymouth
            Dock crown mark and rated  l/2d in total as a single sheet - 4d  Ship and  lOd inland to London
            for 215 miles. Here it was back stamped on  16th February 1811. A file note then records receipt
            in Madeira on 11th April -  a transit of almost 5 months. 2/7d is the packet rate to Madeira.

                   An entire containing the manifest of sugar,  cotton and coffee  shipped on the  “Caledonia”
            from  Demerara  dated  18th  May  1818.  On  arrival  at  Eastbourne  the  cover  was  struck  with
            Robertson  S2  in blue green.  This is very late use of a crown mark and one of only three known in
            the  colour.  It was charged  as a  1  oz letter -  2 x  8d  Ship Letter and 2  x  8d  inland to London.
            Here in  the  Ship  Letter Office  on  1st July  the rate was  changed  to 3/4d,  charging the  total
            mileage of 270  to Liverpool as 2 x 1/-.
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