Page 20 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 20


                                                   SHIP LETTERS

                   An entire from St Christopher written on 23rd February  1818 addressed to London.  It was
            landed  at  Portsmouth  where  it was  struck with Tabeart  S  13  (known  1815  -  44)  and as  a  single
            letter charged l/4d to London ( 8d Ship Letter and 8d inland for 72 miles).

                   An entire from the master of the Blenheim written on 17th May 1818 in Belize reporting that
            he hoped to sail by 1st August, an awfully long time in port not earning any income. In Shoreham it
            was  rated  l/4d  to  London  (8d  Ship  Letter  and  8d  inland  for  56  miles),  where  it  was  back
            stamped on 2nd July, a transit of 76 days.
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