Page 40 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 40


                 A  wrapper  from  St  Vincent  dated  10th  April  1838  addressed  to  London  endorsed
          “Consignee’s  Letter”.  On  arrival,  it  was  struck  with  a  Brixham  Ship  Letter  (Tabeart  S4).  In
          London  on  25th  May  this  was  over-ruled  and  its  free  status  confirmed  by  a  strike  of the  Crown
          Exempt  Ship  Lr  (Tabeart  EX1).  As  a  double  letter  it  was  charged  l/10d  -   no  Ship  Letter
          charge  but  2  x  lid   inland  for  214  miles.  Exempt  Ship  Letters  from  the  West  Indies  are

                 A  copy  letter  from  Manning  and  Marshall  in  Vera  Cruz  addressed  to  Frederick  Huth  in
          London where  it  arrived  on  14lh  December  1839,  9  days  after the  rate  structure  changed  from
          sheets to weight.  It was carried by the Falmouth Packet “Express” and originally charged 3/6d,
          but this was cancelled by an Inspector’s crown and changed to 3/- for a */2 oz letter (2/ld and
          lid  inland).
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