Page 39 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 39

                                            THE FALMOUTH PACKET

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                  An  entire  from  Westmoreland,  Jamaica  consisting  of a  duplicate  latter  of 5th  May  and  an
           original  of 2nd  June  1828.  It  was  carried  by  the  naval  brig  “Myrtle”  employed  as  a  packet  and
           landed at Falmouth. It was charged  l/3d packet plus  l//2d inland to Edinburgh at the  1805 rate, plus
           the  Scottish  wheel  tax  of  Vi  d  -   an  unusually  vivid  strike  of the  green  Falmouth  mark.  It  was
           delivered in Edinburgh on 22nd July, a transit of 50 days

                  An  entire  that  originated  in  Havana  on  24th  January  1840  addressed  to  Frederick  Huth  in
           London.  It was nominated  to  go  on the  “Lapwing”,  but  she  was  forced off course and  landed the
           mails somewhere in Ireland, the evidence being the Dublin back stamp on  10th March. At least two
           other voyages made their landfall  in Ireland that year.  “Skylark”  out of Rio at Valencia in  March
           and the same vessel out of Cuba in November at Cove.
                  On  1st  August  1837  the  packet  rate  from  Cuba  was  established  as  2/1 d  single,  plus  full
           inland  from  whatever port  the  mail  was  landed.  In  1840  this  was  changed  to  2/1 d  plus  2d  inland
           from any port.  This was  a double  letter and was  charged 4/6d.  It was back  stamped  in  London on
           12th March, possibly before “Lapwing” arrived in Falmouth.
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