Page 43 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 43

                                        (Known 1816-1826. Scarcity G)

            St Vincent 24th July 1830 &  15th August 1837 to London, 30th Augustl 830 &  i «h
                                      transits of 37 days & 47 days respectively).       5  August! 8 3 7 -

                                                                         -i L K  W
                                                                          X X Z P l A

                  Two entires from the same correspondence.  The first was nominated to go by  Spheroid.  It
          was  landed  att  Seafoid  by  ship  s  boat  where  the  cover  was  back  stamped  with  a  U.D.C.  and
          forwarded to the Post Town - Lewes.  Here it was struck with Robertson  S2  and charged  l/4d  (8d
          Sh.p Letter and 8d inland). The mileage from Lewes was only 48, but it was charged as from
          aeaford. i^x ivOusrtson.
                  The  second  was  treated  in  the  same  way,  even  though  7  years  later,  being  carried  on  the
          same vessel. The only difference was that it was a double letter and therefore was rated 2/8d.
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