Page 38 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 38


                                           THE FALMOUTH PACKET

              A part entire from Carthagena with a faint circular impression in red on the front which according
       to the contents was carried by Mr Crabtree via Panama on the Adventure.  It then went to  Kingston where
       it was put on the packet arriving in the Foreign Office in London, where it was back stamped, on 30th June
        1826  It was a  1  H oz letter and was  hand  stamped with  the oz  rate of 12/- per oz, making  15/-  all

               A wrapper enclosing two  heavy letters written in Jamaica on 29th July and 3rd August  1824.  ft was
        addressed to Hawick, North  Britain and  put  on the “Francis Freeling”.  There is no date of arrival  but at
        some stage it was endorsed as weighing 3 V* ounces. The rate for this was £1.11. 5d calculated as l/3d
        packet rate to London and l/3d inland mileage to Hawick, rebated by Id per V* oz x 13. In addition it
        was charged */zd Scottish wheel tax which by comparison appears to be quite comical. Ex Mahfood.
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