Page 57 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 57

“DEE” & “TAY”

                  “TRENT” & “MEDWAY”

                 Santiago de Cuba  18th February  1843 sent by J Abad, a local merchant, to St Jago de Cuba.
             The Cuban P.0, lost it and it was not back stamped in the British P.O. in St Jago until the 21st March,
                        Missed the sailing of “Avon”. Unpaid. Rated 2/3d, the Vi oz. rate from Cuba.
                      Put on “Trent” which arrived in St Thomas on the 25th. Transferred to “Medway”.
                                Falmouth  19th April. London the 21st, a long transit of 62 days.
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