Page 58 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 58


               Lomas, Mexico 24th February 1843. Struck “FRANQUEADO”. Paid inland to Vera Cruz.
                   “26th February British Post Office Unpaid. Rated 2/3d the % oz. rate from Mexico.
            Put on “Teviot”. Delayed a week at Havana. Falmouth 2nd April. London the 3rd, a transit of 38 days.

                   Montego Bay, Jamaica  13th June  1843. Paid 8d, the Vi oz. inland rate to Kingston.
                         Kingston 17th June. Sent unpaid. Rated 1/- the Vi oz. rate. Put on “Tay”.
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                      The last occasion on which all returning steamers followed the same route.
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