Page 61 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 61


                         Trinidad  13th September 1843. Sent unpaid. Charged II- to Glasgow.
                 “Tweed” had arrived on the 8th and did not leave until the 19,h resulting in protests.
             Grenada 28th September transferred to “City of Glasgow” arriving in St Thomas on  1st October.
                         Transferred to “Trent” which arrived in Southampton on 24th October.

                  “Tay” stranded on the Colorado reef west of Cuba on 8th July  1844.  She was towed off,
           repaired at Havana and made it home on 15th September for further repairs. “Actaeon” was lost
           off Carthagena on 9th  October  1844.  As a consequence of these'two events an emergency plan
           operated from October to December 1844.

           “THAMES” & “SEVERN”


                  St Vincent 9th September 1844. Sent unpaid. Charged II- to London, the Vi oz. rate.
                      “Thames” sailed on the  11th for Bermuda via St Thomas arriving on the 19th.
                 Transferred to “Severn” which arrived in Southampton on 6th October, a 27-day transit.
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