Page 62 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 62


               Cunard’s  involvement  with  Bermuda  mail  began  in  1827  and  was  short-lived.  The  Falmouth
        packet to New York terminated at Bermuda and Cunard provided two vessels, Emily and Susan, to take
        the  mail  to  Annapolis  from  where  it  went  overland.  The  experiment  only  lasted  9  voyages  and  from
        1828 Cunard collected the American mail at Halifax and delivered it to Boston, Susan being replaced by
        Lady Ogle. In 1833 it was decided that the packet should terminate at Halifax and Cunard was given the
        additional task of running  a mail  boat to  Bermuda,  providing  a service  between these two  places that
        lasted until  1886. To do so he acquired new sailing vessels -  Velocity, Roseway and Margaret, In  1848
        these  were  replaced  by  small  steamships -  Osprey,  Falcon  and  Levantine  and  after the  sendee  was
        extended to  St  Thomas  in  1850,  Merlin,  Petrel  and  Curlew.  In  1880  Kingston,  Jamaica  replaced  St
        Thomas as the southern terminus. Newer steamships in the form of Delta, Alpha and Beta replaced the
        ageing fleet; but in 1886 the last two were sold to Pickford and Black and Cunard no longer serviced the
        island. The exhibit focusses on the ships that carried the mail and has the following plan: -

        1827 -  1828 -  sailing packets between Bermuda and Annapolis.
        1833 -1848 -  sailing packets between Halifax & Bermuda.
        1848 -  1886 -  steam packets between Halifax & Bermuda,
        1840 -1848 -  Cunard Trans-Atlantic steamers and sailing packets between Halifax & Bermuda.
        1848 -1868 — Cunard Trans-Atlantic steamers and steam packets between Halifax & Bermuda
        1867 - 1871 -  Inman Line steamers and steam packets between Halifax & Bermuda.
        1871 -  1886 -  Allan Line steamers and steam packets between Halifax & Bermuda.
        1850 -1880 -  steam packets carrying mail from the south with the terminus at St Thomas.
        1880 -1886 -  steam packets carrying mail from the south with the terminus at Kingston, Jamaica.

        References -
        Atlantic Mails -  J.C. Amell
        North Atlantic Mail Sailings  1840 -75 Hubbard & Winter
        The Postal History and Stamps of Bermuda -  M.H. Luddington
        The Bermuda Packet Mails and the Halifax-Bermuda Mail Service  1806-1886. Amell & Ludington

        N.B. Especially  significant or scarce covers are outlined in red.  Information on rates is in  red type.

                             London 29th December 1826, Prepaid a double rate of 4/4d.
                                  Falmouth 11th January 1827. Put on HMS Redpole
                   Bermuda 3  March transferred to “Susan”. Maiden voyage. Ran aground twice.
                     Annapolis 18th March. Charged a single rate of 14 Vi cents to Philadelphia.
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