Page 65 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 65


                   Three  covers  from  St  Thomas  to  Lanman  &  Kemp  in New  York  carried  in  1862  &  3  by
            “Merlin”, “Delta” &  “Alpha” via Bermuda to Halifax, which I don’t fully understand, because of
            a lack of back stamps. The third clearly pre-paid the F.W.I.  Vi oz. rate of 1/-. Judging by the rate all
            three letters were subsequently charged in the States my assumption is that the other two letters were
            also prepaid; but this was not shown because they were sent to Halifax under a separate cover. The
            first arrived in Halifax on 8th January  1862, was not processed until the 9th and so missed the Cunard
            steamer “Canada” ex Liverpool, which arrived on the 8th. There is a forwarding note on the reverse
            and a Halifax receiving stamp dated the 9th and my assumption is that it was sent to New York and
            charged the  10 cent Treaty rate for over 300 miles between Halifax and New York. According to the
            file note the cover was received on the 14lh. The second carried by “Delta” arrived in Halifax on 23rd
            May, made the connection with “Asia”  on the 25th,  arrived at Boston on 27th when the  cover was
            charged 5 cents and was delivered according to the file note a day later in New York. The third was
            put  on  “Alpha”  which  arrived  in  Bermuda  on  4th  October  and  Halifax  on  the  8th.  “Africa”  had
            grounded of Cape Race so HMS Vesuvius took the mails to Boston arriving on the 21st. By then the
            cover had been delivered (on the  14th) so again other means were used to take it to New York where
            it was charged 10 cents. All ex Pitts.
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