Page 73 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 73


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                 Because of the unwillingness of the Barbados Legislature to pay the admin costs Barbados was one
         of the last West Indian colonies to join the U.P.U. It finally joined on  1st September 1881  when the rate to
         the U.K. was reduced from 6d to 4d per Vi oz. The first cover was sent to Clent, near Stourbridge and was
         franked with a 4d grey from the key plate series on 29th April  1884.  It was back stamped in Birmingham,
         Stourbridge and Clent, all on  12th May, a transit of 13 days. The second was franked with a Vi d,  Id and 2
         Vi d from the same series and cancelled by a boot-heel duplex on 24th October  1890. Addressed to Winch
         Bros in Colchester it was back stamped there on 6th November 1890, a transit of 13 days. Both ex Charles
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