Page 74 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 74



                                     MESSRS.  R.  TUCKER  &  CO.,

                                                         £,  G resham   Buildings,

                                                 si        BA S$!NG UA L L  8 THEET,

                         PER                                        I t O S T D O S T ,   TSS.GZ

                    —      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  s  _

                Two covers addressed to England paying the  1  oz. U.P.U. rate of 8d. The first was franked with 4 x
         Id and a 4d from  the key plate set which were cancelled  on  9th August  1883.  Addressed to  London, the
         cover was back stamped there on the 27th, a long transit for the time of 18  days. The second was franked
         with  a  pair  of 4d  brown  from  the  key  plate  series  which  were  cancelled  by  a  bootheel  duplex  on  30th
         November 1885. Addressed to Winch Bros in Colchester the cover arrived on the  15th, a transit of 15 days.
         Both ex Charles Freeland.
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