Page 71 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 71


                           ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET & “DELTA”

             Barbados 26th August 1864. Franked Id to pay inland. The inter island rate was unpaid - 4d due.
          Put  on  R.M.S.P.  “Conway”.  St  Thomas  29th  August  transferred  to  “Delta”.  Bermuda  3rd  September.
          Halifax, Nova Scotia 7th September. Charge converted to 13 Vi cents local currency- 8% cents packet
          5 cents inland. Bridgewater arrived 9th September. Ex Skywalk.

                           ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET & “DELTA”

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                 Barbados 25th February 1869. Franked Id, the Prices C urrent paid to destination rate.
          Id credit accounting mark. Put on “Eider”. St Thomas 28th February. Transferred to “Delta”.
          Halifax 21st March. Canning 23rd March. Redirected back to Halifax. Ex Skywalk.
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