Page 75 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 75


                A cover addressed to Clement's Post, Nova Scotia franked with 8 conies of the  'Ad sreen from the
         key pate set. These were cancelled by a bootheel duplex on 28th Anril  icc-7  xi             .        ,
         •  XT   V   1   tath*.   *  ,   * •  xr   o   •   1         °  Apnl  1887.  The cover was back stamped
         in New York on  14in May but not in Nova Scotia

                An  envelope  addressed  to  Philadelphia  franked  with  a  4d  grey  from  the  key  plate  series  (It  is
         astonishing how little difference there is between the two colours). The single adhesive paid the same rate
         as the 8 adhesives above and was cancelled on 9th January  1884.  It was back stamped in New York on the
         28th but the strike of the back stamp in Philly is illegible.
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