Page 87 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 87


                    A  cover  franked  with  9  x  %d  on  Id  provisionals  paying  the  correct  registered  1  oz
            U.P.U.  rate  to  Germany.  It  is  believed  this  is  the  only  known  franking  of  its  kind.  The
            adhesives  were  cancelled on  13th  November  1907.  The  cover  went through Kingston  on  the  23rd,
            Birmingham on 9th December and arrived in Dresden on the  11th, a transit of 28 days. Ex Byl.

                    A cover franked  with  2 x Vzd  on  Id,  Id  and 2  'Ad  adhesives cancelled in Georgetown on
             8th February  1908.  The adhesives paid the correct  1  oz  registered  rate to  Switzerland.  It went
             through  Cienfuegos  and  Havana  in  Cuba  before  arriving  in  Paris  on  the  29th  and  Berne  on  1st
             March. Ex Byl
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