Page 120 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 120


                                          UN I VER SAL  POSTAL  UNI ON.
                         BRITISH  GUIANA  i(                 GUYANE  BRITANNIQUE

                                               Post  Carii.

                                                         Only the  address  to  he  written  on  this side.

                                                     A D D R E S S

                                                                                      o -  o )

                                                                     *   ✓

                  A 3 cent postal stationery card from British Guiana which was cancelled on  10th July  1888.
           Addressed to  Port  of Spain,  Trinidad  it was  nominated  to  go  on  the  “Burnley”  of the  Prentice
           Crown Line, arriving in Trinidad on the  13th.

                  A newspaper wrapper from British  Guiana rated 2 cents, upgraded with a 5  cent adhesive
           (Multi  Crown  C.A.)  from  the  1913  set  which  is  probably  a  philatelic  franking.  Addressed  to
           Trinidad  the  adhesives  were probably cancelled  in  Georgetown on 25th November  1918  as  the  5
           cents adhesive was not despatched from London until 26th November 1913.
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