Page 119 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 119


                  An envelope  from British  Guiana  addressed to Trinidad  franked with an  8  cent adhesive
          paying the inter island rate of 4d.  The adhesive was cancelled in Georgetown on 5th February  1883
           and the cover arrived in Port of Spain on the 7th.

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                  An  envelope  from  British  Guiana  addressed  to  St  Anne’s,  Barbados  franked  with
           adhesives to the value of 5 cents which were cancelled on 3rd November 1892.  The inter island rate
           under the auspices of the U.P.U.  had been reduced to 2  Vid the previous year.  The cover was back
           stamped in Barbados two days later on the 5th.
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