Page 122 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 122


                 An  official  1  cent P.S.C.  cancelled in  Georgetown,  British  Guiana  on  14th  October  1897.
          Addressed to St Thomas it was back stamped there on the 21st.

                         BRITISH  ftTIIAffl  RESIShEREB  LETTE

                      THIS  LETTER  MUST  BE  GIVEN  TO  AN  OFFI   CER  OF  THE  POST OFFI
                            TO  BE  REGISTERED,  AND  A  RECEIPT  BE  OBTAINED  FOR  ITy

                                                                                                      r i b

                          N A M E  A N D  A D D R E S S
                              O F  S E N D  E H r ,


                                            2 L

                  An official registered P.S.E.  from  British Guiana  with an impressed 4  cents  stamp paying
           the  registration fee.  It was  franked  additionally  with  a 2  cents  adhesive  from the  Queen  Victoria
           Jubilee  set paying the  Vt oz  Imperial  rate to  Tobago.  These  were  cancelled in Georgetown on 2nd
           March  1899;  two  months  after the  new rate  came  into  existence.  The  cover was back  stamped  in
           Trinidad on the 6th and on arrival in Tobago on the 9th
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