Page 123 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 123


                  A cover sent from British Guiana to Strathclyde, Barbados on  19th December  1899.  It is
           from  the  same  correspondence  as  that  from  the  previous  sheet,  but  two  years  later  after  the
           introduction of Imperial Postage.  It was franked with 2 x  1  cent adhesives paying the  Vi oz rate.  It
           arrived in Barbados on the 22™ and was back stamped with a Barbados Ship Letter mark.

                                                                   c x a X v  <x . cU t  ^

                  Another  cover  paying  the  same  rate  from  British  Guiana  to  Barbados  on  31  January
            1899,  but  on  this  occasion  addressed  to  H.M.S.Pearl  and  in  the  absence  of a  Ship  Letter  mark
           presumably  sent by the  packet,  there  being no  difference  in the  rate.  It took  much  longer getting
           there being back stamped on the 6th.!
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