Page 126 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 126


                  An  entire  written  in  Trinidad  on  25th  April  1854.  At  this  time  the  69th  Regiment  was
           serving in both Trinidad and Barbados and the letter was addressed to Capt Edgar there. The writer
           had been offered one  of the Depot Battalions  left behind from  active  service  in the U.K.  and was
           leaving immediately on the next packet. Apart from a certain amount of military gossip e.g.  what is
           happening to the 36th, the letter is mainly about financial matters and must have originally included
           a number of documents.  The original rate of 1/- was cancelled and it pre paid a 2 oz rate of l/4d as
           indicated by a very faint Trinidad crowned circle in red.  The letter was carried by the “Wye” and
           arrived in Barbados two days later on the 27th.

                  An  envelope  sent  from  Trinidad  to  St Vincent  in  1882.  It  was  franked with a pair of 6d
           adhesives with the value scored out and Id inserted in red manuscript. In addition there is a bisected
           Id  red,  between them  paying the  U.P.U.  Vi  oz  rate.  The  adhesives  were  cancelled  by  a  Trinidad
           thimble on 8th October and the cover back stamped in St Vincent a day later.E.
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