Page 127 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 127


                  An entire from Trinidad informing the recipient that the sender was despatching a schooner
           for sale in Grenada, or if unsuccessful suggesting it should be registered in Barbados. It was franked
           with an imperf brownish  grey on bluish paper paying the  inland  fee  and  charged 4d  for the  inter­
           island  transit.  Back  stamped  in  Trinidad  on  10th  February  1853,  it  was  carried  by  “Derwent”  to
           Grenada arriving a day later. Ex Pitts and Marriott.

                                  ' ' 11
                  A wrapper from the Board of Health in Trinidad addressed to its opposite number in Antigua,
           with enclosures, no longer preseitt; M idh necessitated the payment of a 2 oz. rate of l/4d:  The cover
           was franked with an imperf dark grey 1 d oil white paper paying the inland costs. The cover was back
           stamped in Trinidad on 25  October 1854 and taken to Barbados by “Prince”. Here it was transferred
           to “Wye” on the 27th arriving in Antigua on the 30th, a 5-day transit. Ex Pitts and Marriott.
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