Page 128 - 201710_BWISC-Convention_Booth_BWI-MaritimeMail
P. 128


                  A part entire which probably formed a portion of a Prices Current which was franked with a
           Id lake cancelled by a “1” in a barred numeral. The cover was struck with a crowned circle “Paid at
          Trinidad”  and  back  stamped  on  23rd  January  1864.  The  cover  was  given  a  manuscript  “ 1”,  the
          accounting mark  indicating that the  entire  proceeds  of the  franking  would  be  credited  to  the  U.K.
          There is no arrival mark at St Lucia but it was probably carried by “Tham es” arriving about the 27th.

                  A newspaper wrapper containing a Prices Current from Port of Spain for 7th September 1870.
           It was franked with a  1 d rose carmine Britannia paying the fee which was cancelled by, a twin circle
           on 6th September 1870. The cover was given a manuscript accounting mark in red crayon indicating
           that the entire fee was due to the U.K. As an indication of how the R. M.S.P. service was deteriorating
           it was put on “Arno” on the 8th and landed in St Lucia a day later. It was not until the 22nd that it was
           collected by “Mersey” and delivered in Demerara on the 24th, a transit of 17 days.
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